April 4, 2008

New Brew: Rosemary Pale Ale

Well, not much to tell here...
A completely impromptu brew session gave rise to a completely impromptu batch. Yes, instead of brewing one of the thousands of recipes on our expansive to-do list, we decided to make use of overstock. Seems the Walrus had been hoarding Cascades in the freezer for months...so why not use a good 5 or 6 ounces? In addition, my rosemary bush in the back yard is nearly now my height. It would be pruned for our bidding! The prospect: a medium-bodied and bittered pale ale using British 2-row, Victory and nothing but Cascade hops.
A dozen or so generous rosemary sprigs were laid upon the manifold before the grain was poured. Most of them stayed put during stirs, but a few made their way to the top throughout the mash. Target temperature was spot on and all went smashingly. The aroma of the fresh rosemary was quite amazing when the cooler lid was opened the first two times. Thenceforth, it dissipated. Dry-hopping with rosemary would be discussed.

Le Menu:
Beer apéritif
Spicy beef dogs with caramelized onions
Grilled dijon turkey breast
Chesapeake Bay oysters on the half shell (FANTASTIC!!)*
Grilled oysters with bacon, cheddar & hot sauce
Various frozen potato things found next to the hops (optional)
Bière fait maison for dessert
* especially when chased with a Peruvian Black

Once again...horrible efficiency. This must be remedied. Oddly enough, I also had to remedy a very dire situation of my own...near mid-boil. Luckily, the hot liquor tun's fire was not lit at the time of my posterior's off-gassing, or surely I'd have killed us all. A great uncomfortableness manifested itself behind me, and I gingerly duck-walked to the nearest facilities for maintenance. Luckily, it felt and sounded a lot worse that it was. Next time, I just might bring a spare pair.

OG=1.055 IBU=36 SRM=10

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