February 27, 2008

New Brew: Peruvian Black Reserve

Seeing Xingu sitting all alone on a bottom beer store shelf inspired the latest and possibly last of the really cold weather brews. Luckily, temperatures topped out at a comfy 50°F in the sun. A fine day to make Peruvian Black Reserve a.k.a. Quinoir. We took a bit of a Schwarzbier approach, but used ingredients indigenous to Peru: Cassava, Quinoa and Cacao.

The Cassava and Quinoa were boiled until tender and added to the mash --- and what a mash it was since the imbecile who wrote the recipe also neglected to pick up rice hulls at the LHBS. The result was a gooey, protein-rich mash with plenty of sludge and increasingly difficult sparges.
3 oz. of 70% cacao also went in the very last of the boil.

All in all, she is dark, this one. 60+ on the SRM. Hops employed were some leftover Phoenix and Sterling. We used recycled Chico ale yeast, and all signs point to a nice krauzen after two days. Looking forward to drinking!

OG=1.054 IBU=31 SRM=61

February 25, 2008

Already Drunk: White's Only

Stick this in your Hoegaarden.

Blue Moon? We haven't met too many detractors. In fact, one ex and one dad are apparently big fans. For us, it's a tad tame in the flavor dept. There are also other principles involved...but anyway.

Having never made a Belgian Witbier, we timed this brew to coincide with a visit from some White guy who taught me all-grain. The theme: Cram as many white ingredients into the unfortunately dubbed White's Only. Enter white rice, white shoepeg corn, flaked white wheat, white grapefruit rind and white peach tea. Hops were all Phoenix for bittering & finishing.

The verdict? ~Awesome~

This may be one of our best beers to date. Creamy foam that doesn't quit, and a distinct citrusy tang with a hint of coriander. I even reluctantly sampled a glass with my mom's obligatory orange slice addition --- and liked it. The orange does cover some of the Wit yeast's funkiness, and even accentuates the coriander. The keg went quickly, and the bottles are now slim pickins. We should also probably save some for Mr. White.

OG=1.056 IBU=24 SRM=6

February 19, 2008

71 Minute IPA

In an heaux-mage to Sam Calagione's Dogfishy 60 and 90 minute IPAs, Chief Engineer Walrus came up with a 71 Minute IPA recipe. Featuring copious on-the-minute additions of Columbus and Amarillo hops, this India Pale Ale should clock in at a hefty 7.5% ABV when all is said and done. Why 71? It's the year in which we were both extracted from our mothers' fun-holes!

At around 14 SRM, our latest creation sports British 2-row as its base, with some Bengali rice, Carahell, Crystal 40L, Belgian Aromatic and raw cane sugar for good measure. More on this later, as it's percolating away in a chilly 55° of cellar love.

OG=1.08 IBU=71 SRM=14

Already Drunk: Sex Farm House Ale

Sniffing at your feedbag...
One of our more audacious recipes, Sex Farm is a pseudo-French farmhouse ale with St. Johns Wort but flavored with Caribbean herbs and spices. The gruitish mixture of bark, berries and assorted dried flora is dubbed Mamajuana -- lovingly purchased on Dominican honeymoon several years ago. You're supposed to steep it in rum or wine. We used a previously brewed Belgian Strong, let it sit for a month, and dumped it in at flame-out. It's supposed to "renew vigor" and the locals touted it as Island Viagra. The Farm's hops are Newport with a Saaz kicker.

It's nice. A bit funky from the Wit yeast, with a quick herbal bite at the finish. Half of the batch was bottled, and I think it can only get better with a little cold-aging. We might possibly send this one off to the NHBC for the hell of it.

So far, no one has noticed marked mood improvement or sudden raging boners after drinking it.

OG=1.06 IBU=38 SRM=9